With deep grief and heavy heart, we inform about passing away of Padmashri Prof. Kasturi Lal Chopra, founder of Thin Film Laboratory (TFL) of IIT Delhi, former Director, IIT Kharagpur (2 terms beginning 1987) and former Professor & founder Dean (IRD), IIT Delhi. He breathed his last on 18 May late night due to COVID related complications.
It is a huge loss to all his students and the entire academic fraternity. May God grant his soul eternal peace. We pray for the departed soul and for the family to have courage to bear this great loss. Our heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.
- TFL Family
( May 19, 2021)

Padma Shri Prof. Kasturi Lal Chopra
(Email: & Ph. +91-11-25154114)
Founder, Coordinator & Advisor
Thin Film Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016 (INDIA)
INAE-Life Time Contribution Award in Engineering received by Prof. K L Chopra in 2013 (click here for oration)
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award in Physical Sciences received by Prof. K L Chopra in 1975 for specialization in Material Physics
IITD Golden Jubilee Committee honoured Prof. K L Chopra (click here for citation)
DAE CV Raman Lecture -“Atom by Atom Creation of Nanomatter” by Prof. K L Chopra Organized by SPS, JNU and Delhi Chapter of IPA (20 March 2012)
“Nanotechnology: Hope or Hype ?” by Prof. K L Chopra, Bull. Mat. Sci. 18 (1995) 639.
Foundation Day Lecture -“Ethical Issues for Scientist and Engineers" by Prof. K L Chopra Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun (29 June 2011)
“Convocation Address (2011)” by Prof. K L Chopra at NIT, Warangal
Distinguished Materials Scientist Award Lecture by Prof. K L Chopra (1995)
Historic Evolution of Thin Film Laboratory
In August 1970, in one corner of the Physics Department of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, a small group of research scholars led by Professor K.L. Chopra commenced work to build thin-film technology facilities. Thus, the nucleus of a Laboratory was born. Despite constraints of finances, personnel and equipment in the early years, rapid growth took place, helped to a large measure by the zeal, dedication and unremitting labor of the research workers. Today, fifty years later, the Thin Film Laboratory of the Physics Department, I.I.T. Delhi, is internationally recognized as a Research School of excellence in the fields of Solid State Physics and Technology of Thin Films.
The Laboratory has established, facilities for depositing films of metals, insulators, semiconductors and alloys in amorphous as well as polycrystalline and single crystal form by thermal evaporation, sputtering (dc-, rf-magnetron and ion-beam), glow discharge, ion plating, electrolysis, solution growth, spray pyrolysis, chemical conversion, chemical vapor deposition, splat quenching and melt spinning techniques under clean room conditions. Vacuum coating units, in the medium and ultra high vacuum range, with accessories for monitoring, controlling and in-situ measurements have been developed indigenously. The facilities allow the preparation of films under controlled conditions and the study of structural, thermal, electrical, magnetic and optical properties thereof.
The Laboratory is unique of its kind in the country in having deposition, analytical, measurement, device fabrication and evaluation facilities under one roof. The research group of the Laboratory operates and maintains such central facilities as Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Scanning electron Microscope (SEM), Scanning Auger Microprobe (SAM), Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS), Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), Near Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM), Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) based MH loop tracer, Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), Thin Film/Surface X-ray Diffractometer using Rotating Anode, X-ray Reflectivity Measurement set-up, X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroscopic Ellipsometer, Ultraviolet, Visible and Infrared (IR) Double Beam Spectrophotometers, FTIR spectrophotometers, Deep Level Transient Spectrometer, Differential Thermal Analyser, Surface Profiler, and Nanoscope.
The wide range of capabilities of the Laboratory have been utilized to undertake a spectrum of activities ranging from sophisticated technological areas to the frontiers of basic and applied solid state physics. The guiding philosophy of the Laboratory has been the attainment of academic excellence. The desire is tempered with an equally strong commitment to apply the fruits of research wherever possible. This is reflected in the large number of consultancy projects, product/process improvement and know-how transfer to the Indian industry.
Development of mission oriented scientists has been one of the major facets of the Laboratory's interests. The Thin Film Laboratory has contributed highly qualified scientists to R/D institutions, both in India and abroad, and skilled technologists to the domestic industry, some of whom have started their own industry. This has been achieved by sponsoring M.Tech. and Ph.D. research and development projects in the Laboratory. Inter-departmental faculty members associated with the Laboratory have played a leading role in undergraduate and postgraduate course and curriculum development in the Physics Department and in establishing M.S., M.Sc., M. Tech. and B. Tech. programmes of the Department. Members of the Laboratory offer courses, at the under-graduate and post-graduate levels, on thin film phenomena, vacuum technology, materials science, non-crystalline materials, solid state electronics, surface science, electron microscopy, characterization of materials and advanced experimental techniques.
Looking back in time, we feel a certain sense of pride and satisfaction. This document is intended to provide a bird's-eye view of the Thin Film Laboratory-the research activities, the experimental facilities established, the devices/processes developed, consultancy services rendered and technical know-how transferred.
Faculty Members associated with TFL
Updated on August 1, 2020

Padamshree Prof. K L Chopra
[Ph.D. (Univ. of British Coumbia/1975)]Founder of Thin Film Laboratory
Formerly Director, IIT Kharagpur(1987-1992 & 1992-1997)
Area of Interest: Solid State Physics and Technology of Thin Films; Surface Science; Vacuum Science & Technology, Thin Film Solar Cells; High Temperature Superconductors; Amorphous Materials; Nanostructures
Brief Bio-sketchResearch Publications
Wikipedia link

Lalit Kumar Malhotra
Formerly Professor, Physics Department,IITD (1972-2005)Post Superannuation: Visiting Professor, IIT Mandi(till 2016)
Area of Interest: Amorphous Semiconductors Chalcogenide glasses. Selective coatings. Dilute magnetic semiconductors Solid state sensors. Hydrogenated amorphous silicon Rare earth metal hydrides and Transparent conductors
Home pageBrief Bio-sketch
Research Publications (1983 onwards)

Dinesh Kant Pandya
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi, 1970-1975)]PDF (IIT Delhi, 1975-1977)
Formerly Professor, Physics Department,IITD (1977-2013)
Post Superannuation: Emeritus. Professor (2013-2016);
Visiting Professor, IIT Jammu (2016-Present)
Area of Interest: Thin Film Technology, Thin Film Solar Cells, Transparent Conducting Oxides, Advanced Materials, RHEED:2-D epitaxy, High Temperature Superconductors, Self-assembled Nanostructure Fabrication, Spintronics
Home pageResearch Publications
Scopus ID : 7004567458
Google Scholar ID

Subhash Chand Kashyap
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi, 1968-1973)]Formerly Professor, Physics Department,IITD (1978-2010)
Post Superannuation: Emeritus Professor, IIT Delhi (2011-2014)
Area of Interest: Synthesis of Spintronic materials, High Tc Superconductors, Electronic Ceramics, Semiconductors, Chalcogenides and Ferrites in different forms; and their Characterization by Electron/Raman spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, etc.
Home pageBio Sketch
Google Scholar ID

Vasant D Vankar
[Ph.D. (BHU)]Formerly Professor, Physics Department,IITD (Retired 2012)
Post Superannuation: Emeritus Professor, IIT Delhi (2013-2016)
Area of Interest: Experimental Solid State Physics, Structure and Growth of Thin Films, Plasma Processing of Materials, solid Interfaces.
Research PublicationsScopus ID : 7004368268
Semanticscholar ID: 5963427

G B Reddy
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)]Formerly Professor, Physics Department,IITD (Retired 2018)
Post Superannuation: Emeritus Professor, IIT Delhi (Since July 2019)
Area of Interest: Thin films optical memories - Micro computer based modelling of optical devices, Fabrication of optical devices by e-beam writing.
Brief Bio-sketchScopus ID : 7402668618

Bodh Raj Mehta
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi, 1985)]Formerly Professor, Physics Department,IITD (2005-2021)
Post Superannuation: Vice Chancellor, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology Noida (Since Feb 2023)
Area of Interest: Fabrication of semiconductor nanoparticle structures using chemical and thin film processing routes, the structural, optical and electron transport properties of these nanoparticle structures.
Home pageBrief Bio-sketch
Scopus Id : 57202408401
Google Scholar ID

Viresh Dutta
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)]Formerly Professor, Centre for Energy Studiest,IITD (1980-2019)
Post Superannuation: Emeritus Professor, IIT Delhi
Area of Interest: Thin Films, Solar Photovoltaic materials,devices and systems, Nanotechnology, Computer based instrumentation
Brief Bio-sketchResearch Publication
Scopus Id : 7003730142
Google Scholar ID

Ashok Kumar Mukerjee
[Ph.D. (Delhi Univ.)]Formerly Chief Scientific Officer (Retired Nov 2006)
Area of Interest: Photovoltaics from characterization of individual cells to tracking 500W power generation plants
Research Publications (1983 onwards)
Mukesh Chander Bhatnagar
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)]Formerly Professor, Physics Department,IITD (1982-2019)
Post Superannuation: Visiting Professor, IIT Delhi
Area of Interest: Nanomaterials, chemical sensors, ferrites, solar cells, surface and interface studies, energy harvesting materials.
Brief Bio-sketchResearch Publications
Scopus ID : 7006428280

Ganpat Lal Sharma
Formerly Associate Professor (Retired 2006)Research Publications (1983 onwards)

Ram Dattatraya Tarey
[Ph.D. (IISc)]Formerly Associate Professor, Physics Department,IITD (1985-2015)
Post Superannuation: Sr. Project Consultant, Center for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi
Area of Interest: Plasma Physics, Plasma Sources and Plasma Applications
Brief Bio-sketchResearch Publications (1983 onwards)

Sujeet Chaudhary
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi, 1997)]Professor, Physics Department,IITD (2002-Present)
Area of Interest: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics - Magnetism & Spintronics
Home pageBrief Bio-sketch
Scopus ID : 7102053581
Researcher ID: E-3100-2010

Vamsi Krishna Komrala
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi, 2004)]Professor, Centre for Energy Studies,IITD (2010-Present)
Area of Interest: Solar cells.
Home pageBrief Bio-sketch
Scopus Id : 14626168000

Pranaba Kishore Muduli
[Ph.D. (Humboldt Univ., Berlin Germany, 2005)]Associate Professor, Physics Department,IITD (2018-Present)
Area of Interest: Spin torque induced magnetization dynamics, Spintronics and Nanomagnetism
Home pageBrief Bio-sketch
Scopus Id : 57202323653
Researcher ID: B-9334-2008

Trilok Singh
[Ph.D. (IIT Delhi, 2012)]Associate Professor, Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IITD (2023-Present)
Area of Interest: Thin film Solar cells, green hydrogen and Integrated systems
Home pageBrief Bio-sketch
Scopus Id : 57203596371
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2322-7403 Google Scholar Link
Associated Faculty Members

H K Sehgal
Associated Faculty, IIT DelhiVice-Chancellor, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (Formerly Kanpur University) (08/2008-08/2011)

Late Prof. Tara Chand Goel
Associated Faculty, IIT DelhiFounder & Director, BITS Goa Campus
Staff associated with TFL

Ved Parkash Taneja
Sr. Technical Suprintendent (1984-2020)Area Of Specialization: Audio visual studios designing and automation also specialised in the field of lecture recordings etc
Department:: Physics
Current Position (Post Superannuation): Re-employment as Sr. Technical Suprintendent

Mangal Singh Kambo
Technical Suprintendent (June 1975-April 2011)Area Of Specialization: all maintainences work in lab. to run D T A , spectrometer and spray of cds tin clorides etc.
Department:: Physics
Current Position (Post Superannuation):Technical Staff
Ganesh Chander Yadav
Junior Lab Assistant (March 1981-Present)Area Of Specialization: Lab related work
Department:: Physics

Vinod Khanna
Sr. Technical Superintendent (1981-2019)Area Of Specialization: TEM & SEM
Department:: Physics
Current Position (Post Superannuation):Sr. Technical Superintendent

Herminder Singh
Sr. Laboratory Assistant(1978-1992)Area Of Specialization:Repairing and maintaining the Laboratory instruments and machines that included the vacuum pump, rotary pump and machine work on a lathe machine
Department:: Physics
Current Position : Computer Numeric Control Operator (2006 – Present) at Avibank Mfg. Inc. California, U.S.A

Dinesh Kumar Bhardwaj
Office Superitendent (Jan 1983- Present)Area Of Specialization:Office Work
Department:: Physics

Balraj Khatri
Senior Technical Superitendent (1973-2010)Area Of Specialization: Vaccines System Repair
Department:: Physics
Late Shri Vasudev Arora
Electron MicroscopistDepartment:: Physics

Late Shri V. N. Sharma
Stenographer and Personal Secretary of Prof. K.L. ChopraDepartment:: Physics
Late Shri Mahender Khatri
Senior Laboratory AssistantDepartment:: Physics
Research Facility at Thin Film Lab
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